Hi everybody!
I'm in Kamloops at the home of a friend from high school.
It's a treat to have had a shower and just as much a real bed, but I'll not be getting used to that. I think my next potential bed is in Calgary.
British Columbia is hilly. Don't let anyone fool you. Riding has been hard work, but worth it just for the scenery. This place is really beautiful. So far I've been through farms, forested mountains, desert mountains and now I'm along side a gorgeous mountain lake.
I've had three meals of Macaroni with Frank's Hot Sauce and I'm not sick of it yet. Let's see how long that lasts. I've also had a couple bowls of porridge and probably 4 cheeseburgers by now. Today's was particularly tasty. Key's Diner in Savona is a real hot spot. I highly recommend.
But for now, off to bed.