After several minutes of intensive trip planning, I gleefully arrived in Los Angeles. Accommodated by dear family friends near Huntington Beach, CA, I was afforded two days of generous rations and lots of time to get my bike in working order.
Itching to hit the road, I made a relatively early start on Friday mid-morning, destined for Oceanside, CA. Enroute, I coordinated with another pair of cyclists, John & Phil. John was on his penultimate travel day from Portland to San Diego and Phil was a single-day freeloader. We spent the night at the Encenidas campground amidst the company of three other cyclists with whom John had been playing cyclo-leap frog for more than a month down the west coast. We were all furthermore blessed by the addition of a surf/cyclist who had ridden with surfboard in tow from Santa Barbara. His colourful personality and unique ability to rapidly consume alcohol proved quite the source of irritation & amusement.
Headstrong into the first day of rain that Southern California had seen in 9 months, the five of us played leapfrog all the way to San Diego where from I type this entry. The group will be disbanding tomorrow with the exception of Mike, who'll be continuing on to the tip of Baja. I expect to see a fair bit more of him.
Onward - to the Chula Vista campground. Tomorrow, the border. *cue doomsday music*
hey dan, what's leapfrog? i am ignoramus.
Leapfrog is that game children play where one hops over the other, then the other, then the other, etc...
Cyclo-leapfrog is where the fast riders take a long break and get passed by the slow riders. Break ends and the fast rider passes the slow, only to be passed again at the next break. Kind of like the tortoise & the hair.
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