My world, it spins.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Day #15

Hi Everybody!

I've arrived in a town that's so big, I can't actually see from one end to the other. I also hear aeroplanes taking off and landing. Why... it must be Winnipeg!

My pace has slowed a little. I took it easy for one day for personal health. That is, I rode a mere 50km to the nearest hospital. Why? you ask. That's right folks; I've got bronchitis!

I did a long haul from Regina to Whitewood where I had some delicious Sakatoonberry pie. The next day, I biked to the Moosomin Hospital where a doctor prescribed me antibiotics and a good night's sleep. I stayed at the ever-charming Moosomin Inn. It was right on budget; $44.95 per night. Yesterday, I rode 225km from Moosomin to Carberry and today, 170km from there to Winnipeg.

Pedals and tire in need of repair, I stopped at a bike shop of good fortune. I held the door for a retired couple who were bringing in their bikes. After telling them my story, they offered to house and feed me for the night. So here I am, in their basement stuffed full of quiche and home made waffles (with whipped cream and berries.)

It'll only be a matter of days before I'm back in the land which is mine to discover. I'm looking forward to hills again, although the prairie is not as flat as you'd think. At least the number of trees has drastically increased since I entered Manitoba.

Until next time,

Remember: What doesn't kill you will only hurt a lot.


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